Thursday, July 31, 2008

More SJA Spoilers.......

It looks like the second series will be bigger and better than what we saw last year! The rest of this post contains SPOILERS for episodes 9 and 10, which make up the untitled Adventure Five - so look away if you don't want any surprises blown for 'ya!

The episodes revolve around Sarah Jane and Luke being somehow taken back in time to the 1950's, to Foxglove Village - at a time when the local fete is taking place. What's unusual about all this?! Sarah's parents are there too, as is a likkle baby Sarah Jane Smith! Trouble is, grown up Sarah doesn't remember momma (Barbara) or her papa - they died in a car accident when she was still a baby. Can Sarah do what it takes to prevent herself from becoming an orphan, by changing the course of history?!

*Oh, one last sneaky spoiler!! Sarah introduces herself and Luke at one point as the Beckhams!

USA DVD Releases.......

Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket

BBC Worldwide Americas have announced a pair of releases for November. The Complete Fourth Series and The Infinite Quest will both be released in North America on November 18th, 2008.

The Complete Fourth Series box-set will include Voyage of the Damned, as well as Children in Need skit Time Crash, which was not shown in North America. The Infinite Quest will be a single disc release of the animated adventure featuring the Tenth Doctor and Martha. has provided some information about the special features for each release. According to the site, The Complete Fourth Series will include cut-down versions of Doctor Who Confidential and commentaries for all episodes. The Infinite Quest will include "over 30 minutes of terrific bonus material", which is presumably the same as the features on the Region 2 release (cast interviews, David Tennant's animation test, behind-the-scenes features on the animation and voice over, animatics of episodes and deleted scenes, character profiles and a photo gallery).

In other DVD news, a box set of the first season of The Sarah Jane Adventures will be released in North America on October 7th, 2008, and in the UK on November 10th. The set will have four discs, and will include the pilot Invasion of the Bane and all ten episodes from the program's first season.

The set will include the following special features:

  • Interviews with Cast and Crew
  • Synopses for All Stories
  • Investigating Tools: A Gadget Glossary
  • Quiz, with Special Outtakes as Prizes
  • A Sarah Jane Smith Video Timeline
  • Behind-the-Scenes Footage
  • Character and Alien Profiles
  • Photo Galleries
  • UK BBC TV spots

TrailersCover images are courtesy of

Doctor Who to be challenged by new Cyberman enemy


Doctor Who is to face a new enemy - a mutant Cyberman called Cybershade.

Cybershade - who will appear in the Christmas Special this year - has been described by insiders on the long-running science fiction television show as "Cyberman gone bad".
The insider added: "Like we did with the Daleks, we taken the original robot and made it a bit more sinister. They Cybershade is a mutant with some of the looks of the Cybermen - but it is a much darker creation.

"Fans always want something new. Just wheeling out Cybermen again would be tame."
Doctor Who has fought a long and often exhausting battle against Cybermen during his career on the world's most enduring television science fiction show.

They first appeared in 1966 as a fictional race of cyborgs. They were an organic species of humanoids from the planet Mondas. They began to implant more artificial parts into their bodies.

The evolution of the programme's villains has been a feature of the programme, which was first broadcast in 1963. For example, the most famous baddie the Dalek was often mocked for its inability to climb stairs. But in recent episodes Daleks have been seen hovering and flying using an energy thruster. They have even found the ability to fly through space.

Stephen Moffat, the Doctor Who writer, has promised several new villains in the Christmas Special.

"We're not in the business of being nostalgic. We're making nostalgia for the future," he said.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

S1 Ep5 : The Lost Boy



EPISODE: 5 - Part 1 and 2
AIR DATE: November 12, 2007 & November 19, 2007
VILLAINS: Slitheen. Mr. Smith
MONSTERS/ALIENS: Slitheen, Xylok
OTHER CHARACTERS: Alan Jackson, Chrissie Jackson, Jay, Heidi, Nathan, Prof. Rivers, K-9

Following on from Alan Jackson's discovery of what Sarah Jane and Maria Jackson do together in Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?, he threatens to move house again, only to have a change of heart when he sees how upset Maria is. His condition for not moving away, however, is that he is kept up to date with their battles against aliens.

Luke is purported to be a missing child, Ashley Stafford

The Staffords are revealed to be new, "thinner" Slitheen
However, a news report on a family searching for their son, Ashley, who has been missing for five months, brings a shock; for Ashley looks exactly like Luke. Mr Smith compares their DNA, and confirms that Luke and Ashley are genetic matches; apparently Luke was not 'grown' by the Bane, but was a kidnapped boy. Chrissie Jackson calls the police and reports Sarah Jane as a child abductor; Sarah Jane is arrested and the police relieve Luke into the custody of Ashley's parents, Jay and Heidi, and Sarah Jane is detained by the police, only for UNIT to intervene and have her released. Depressed, Sarah Jane decides she was wrong to involve children and tells Maria to stay away from her. Mr. Smith suggests she take on a case in order to take her mind off things, and she visits the Pharos Institute a research centre where alien technology is being used to conduct experiments into telekinesis. Here she meets the annoying child prodigy Nathan Goss. That night, Luke's new parents watch television and switch over to a channel that glows green; they announce to the Xylok that they have the boy in their possession.

Clyde is trapped inside the evil Mr. Smith

The news is bad for the Earth — and the Moon
Luke's new parents are extremely abusive towards him, keeping him locked up in his room at all times. Clyde Langer cuts school to visit Luke, but Heidi does not allow him. Heidi claims that her son is a keen skateboarder, which worries Clyde as he knows Luke has a poor sense of balance and is a dreadful skateboarder; he decides to bring a photo of Jay and Heidi to Mr Smith. Luke becomes frantic upon seeing Clyde leave the house, and desperately begins making attempts to escape. Mr. Smith, meanwhile, sends Sarah Jane back to the lab to steal one of the headsets there, which he claims he needs to analyse to work out Nathan's plans. Clyde gets to the house only seconds after Sarah Jane has left, but takes the photo to Mr Smith anyway, only for Mr Smith to confess that he faked the photo. It turns out that Mr. Smith is the Xylok, and he fires a bolt of energy at Clyde, causing him to vanish.

Back at Luke's new home, his 'parents' are meeting with Nathan, just as he is breaking out of his room, with the result that he fails to escape, but succeeds in discovering that his parents are actually Slitheen using improved compression technology, and Nathan Goss is in fact Korst Gogg Thek Lutiven-Day Slitheen, a child Slitheen Luke encountered previously, now in a new disguise and looking for revenge.

Clyde awakes to find himself inside Mr. Smith as Sarah Jane Smith returns from the Pharos Insitute, having successfully stolen a telekinetic headset. Elsewhere, Maria and Mr Jackson go to Ashley's house, where they find a skinsuit and Maria realises the Slitheen have Luke. Mr. Jackson then receives a message on his computer from Clyde, who states Mr. Smith has turned evil. The Jacksons and Sarah Jane confront Mr. Smith and are nearly killed as it fires a bolt of energy from a built-in gun.

K-9 takes a break from black holes long enough to protect Sarah Jane from Mr. Smith
The Slitheen take Luke to the Pharos Institute where they test his abilities. Luke overcomes the Slitheen and escapes, as Maria, Mr. Jackson and Sarah Jane arrive. Working together, they discover Mr. Smith's intentions with Luke and Mr. Jackson adapts a computer virus that could destroy Mr. Smith. Using the Slitheen teleporter, Sarah Jane arrives in her attic, where Mr. Smith is using Luke to awaken other Xylok from the Earth's core. Clyde returns when Mr. Smith states he is merciful, but threatens the duo with its gun. Sarah Jane unlocks a safe and calls on K-9. The robots battle and Sarah Jane inserts the virus, which makes Mr. Smith forget its purpose. As the Moon grows closer to the Earth, Sarah Jane tells Mr. Smith it has a new purpose: to safeguard planet Earth.

The Moon returns to its original position, K-9 goes back to the safe to safeguard the black hole and the Slitheen return to Raxicoricofalipatorious. As Sarah Jane, Maria, Luke, Clyde, Alan and Chrissie watch the ship leave, Sarah Jane reflects how she never thought she could be part of a family...

S1 Ep4: Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?



EPISODE: 4 - Part 1 & 2
AIR DATE: October 29, 2007 & November 5, 2007
VILLIANS: The Trickster
MONSTERS/ALIENS: Graske, Tricksters Brigade
OTHER CHARACTERS: Alan Jackson, Chrissie Jackson, Andrea Yates, Young Sarah Jane Smith, Young Andrea Yates

Sarah Jane tells Maria, Luke and Clyde about a meteorite on course with Earth but reassures them that Mr Smith will be able to deflect it the following day. Sarah Jane gives Maria an alien puzzle box to cheer her up; she falls asleep that night holding it, as a mysterious cloaked figure approaches Sarah Jane's house. The next day, Maria finds that Sarah Jane, Luke and Mr. Smith have all disappeared, and she alone remembers them. A woman named Andrea Yates is living in Sarah Jane's house.

Investigating, Maria finds a 1964 newspaper report stating that a thirteen-year-old Sarah Jane Smith drowned after falling from a pier, where she was playing with her friend Andrea Yates. As Maria watches, the names of the deceased and the survivor keep switching. When Maria confronts Andrea, the panic stricken woman rushes to her attic and finds a second puzzle box. The cloaked figure appears and offers to make Maria disappear. After Andrea accepts, he dispatches a Graske, who captures Maria just after Alan picks up the first puzzle box. When Chrissy comes round he discovers his ex-wife cannot remember their daughter. Meanwhile Maria escapes from the Graske and finds herself on a beach promenade near two girls. As the first episode ends, they introduce themselves as Andrea and Sarah Jane Smith.

After failing to dissuade Andrea from taking Sarah Jane to the pier, Maria is recaptured and taken to join Sarah Jane on a white misty plain, limbo. The mysterious figure explains he has removed Sarah Jane from Earth's timeline so the meteorite will destroy it and create the chaos on which he feeds.

Alan accompanies Chrissie to Andrea's birthday party. Remembering Maria's suspicions, he questions Andrea, who takes him to the attic and tearfully reveals the truth. When she fell off the pier and Sarah Jane was unable to save her, a voice offered to switch the girls' places, and she accepted. The figure appeared and gave her the puzzle box, then removed himself from Andrea's memory; Maria’s questions made Andrea remember. Alan is now chased into the street by the Graske but knocks it down and ties it up, then uses its device to bring back Maria.

They return to the attic, where Sarah Jane appears in the mirror and explains to Andrea that witnessing her death gave her the resolve to fight pointless deaths herself. When the figure reappears (called “the Trickster” by Alan), Andrea explains she has changed her mind about the deal and throws her puzzle box at the mirror, smashing both. Back in 1964 Andrea falls to her death, while Sarah and Luke reappear in the attic and activate Mr Smith. The party guests, including Clyde and Chrissie, have learnt from television news about the incoming meteorite, and are relieved to see it suddenly diverted from its fall. The episode ends with Alan demanding an explanation of his daughter’s involvement with aliens and supercomputers.

S1 Ep3 : Warriors of Kudlak



EPISODE: 3 ; Part 1 & 2
AIR DATE: October 15, 2007 & October 22, 2007
VILLIANS: Uvlavad Kudlak, Mark Grantham
OTHER CHARACTERS: Carrie Metcalf, Lance, Brandon Butler, Jen

Combat 3000, a new laser tag centre, has opened in London. A teenaged boy, Lance Metcalf, from Clyde and Luke Smith's school vanished after going there. Mr Smith tells Sarah Jane that twenty-four children have previously gone missing from all across England in places where other branches of Combat 3000 have opened.

Meanwhile, Luke tries to master the art of telling jokes but can't quite do it, nor does he understand games. Takingn him under his wing, Clyde takes Luke to Combat 3000. Sarah soon discovers that there have been mysterious storms at the time of the disappearances and that Mr. Grantham and a humanoid insectoid alien, Kudlak, are working for an unseen "Mistress". Luke and Clyde manage to survive Round One and are challenged to make it to the door to the championships, facing other accomplished Combat 3000 players. When Luke and Clyde are very close to the door, they are attacked. Soon, Clyde and Luke manage to escape and are locked in a room where they mysteriously disappear. Mr. Grantham points an alien gun at Sarah and Maria but Sarah uses her sonic lipstick to help her escape. Maria and Sarah arrive in a different room where they are then confronted by Kudlak...
But they have arrived too late to save Luke and Clyde. On a screen they see them transported to space by a transmat beam.

Sarah Jane and Maria escape Kudlak after creating a diversion, and return to Mr. Smith, who informs them of who Kudlak is and the background to his race. He is a member of the Uvodni race, and they were part of a planetary alliance fighting against the Malakh. The Malakh won the ensuing battle, but the Uvodni would not quit, and continued fighting. Eventually, Kudlak was injured on the front line and forced to leave fighting to others. He was thus sent out as part of an Imperial Fleet to recruit "warriors" from other worlds. His ship was led by a Mistress, who kept the patriotism and bloodlust in Kudlak alive. After decades of recruiting (mostly Human) children via Combat 3000, Kudlak, or rather Mr. Grantham - abducted Clyde and Luke.

Meanwhile, Luke and Clyde rescue other children from their crates, including Lance and a girl called Jen. Mr. Grantham breaks into Sarah Jane's home, but is overpowered by electric shock. Back on the Uvodni ship, the children make their way to a shuttlecraft, but are again captured. Sarah Jane and Maria blackmail Grantham into transmatting them to the Uvodni ship, where they find and talk to the Mistress. When Kudlak brings the children to the Mistress, everyone is reunited. They discover the Mistress's true identity as a face appearing on a computer screen, with no real person behind it.

Kudlak is stopped by Luke before he kills anyone. Luke has discovered a message made by the Uvodni Emperor ten years ago which reveals an armistice has been made with the Malakh. As a computer, the Mistrss has no programming to understand the concept of peace, so the Mistress buried the message and continued to command Kudlak as before, even though her missions no longer had any real point to them. With the truth revealed, Kudlak destroys The Mistress, releases the children and swears to do what he can to reunite all the surviving recruits with their families. Back on Earth, Grantham has escaped, but Sarah Jane decides not to have him arrested.

S1 Ep2 : Eye of the Gorgon



EPISODE: 2 ; Part 1 & 2
AIR DATE: October 1, 2007 & October 8, 2007
VILLAINS: The Gorgon, The Abbess, Sister Helena
OTHER CHARACTERS: Alan Jackson, Chrissie Jackson, Bea Nelson-Stanley, Mrs. Gribbins, Mrs. Randall

Sarah Jane and her companions investigate claims of sightings of a ghostly nun at Lavender Lawns, the local nursing home. Meanwhile, Chrissie Jackson moves into her ex-husband's house, but succeeds only in causing further problems with the family. Back at Lavender Lawns, an old lady gives Luke an ancient talisman, which is really the key to a portal in space and time. They find that a group of nuns are hiding an age-old creature, the Gorgon. When Sarah Jane refuses to give the talisman to the nuns, they kidnap Luke and Clyde and take the Gorgon and Maria to Sarah Jane's house where the Gorgon turns Maria's father to stone.

Having got what they came for, the nuns and Gorgon leave. Luke and Clyde escape from their entrapment via a secret passage. Mr Smith tells Maria and Sarah that Alan is retrievable until 16:00. Luke and Clyde see the Gorgon stumble, but are unable to prevent the talisman beginning the process of joining the Gorgon Homeworld with Earth. The Gorgon - a parasite inside the Abbess - chooses Sarah Jane as its next host. Chatting with Bea reveals to Maria that the talisman can revert those turned to stone. Clyde distracts the nuns long enough that Luke grabs the talisman, disconnecting the portal. However, Sarah Jane and both boys are recaptured and locked in another room, though Sarah Jane is soon taken and tied next to the portal. Luke and Clyde escape again and join Sarah Jane just as the Gorgon begins to transfer itself, but Maria arrives and uses a mirror to revert the transfer and turn the Gorgon - and Abbess - to stone, freeing the nuns of mind-control. Maria disconnects the talisman and the portal shuts down forever. The talisman brings Alan back to flesh-and-blood and Chrissie leaves, reuniting with Ivan.

S1 E1 : Revenge of the Slitheen



EPISODE: 1- Part 1 & 2
AIR DATE: September 24, 2007
VILLAINS: Slitheen
OTHER CHARACTERS: Alan Jackson, Chrissie Jackson, Blakeman, Jeffery, Wendy, Janine, Carl, and Clyde Langer(becomes new companion)

Maria and Luke start their new school but find all is not as it seems. Aided by Sarah Jane and their new friend Clyde, they find the Slitheen, old enemies of the Doctor, this time disguised as teachers, have taken control of the technology block and are trying to switch off the sun. Luke unknowingly gives the Slitheen the code to start the machine, and they start to absorb the power of the sun. Sarah Jane investigates the company controlling the science block, and Maria, Luke and Clyde investigate the school. Sarah Jane is attacked by a female Slitheen who disguised herself as a company secretary, Janine.Luke finds a secret room and is confronted by the Slitheen commander, his headmaster Blakeman, whilst Maria and Clyde are chased first by their Slitheen Science teacher, Mr. Jeffrey and then the school genius, Carl, unzips in front of them to reveal a child Slitheen.

They all manage to escape and head back to Sarah Jane's house. Clyde figures out that the Slitheen are allergic to vinegar, and the team head off back to the school with squirty bottles of vinegar. After Maria uses the vinegar to blow up the Slitheen commander Blakeman, they head over to the secret room in the block and Luke tricks the Slitheen by telling them the machine won't take the power of the sun. He turns the machine off and uses the Sonic Lipstick to cause the machine to malfunction. As the room explodes, the continental Slitheen, still disguised, escape whilst Janine is electrocuted and explodes and Jeffry and Carl are trapped. They beg for Sarah's help, and she tries to open the door, but Jeffry is killed when the technology explodes. However, at the same time, Carl escapes. Sarah Jane is highly affected by this, as she thinks Carl is dead. Afterwards, she tells Clyde about her travels with the Doctor, and then accepts him into the team, before sharing a long hug with Luke.

SJA: Invasion of the Bane



EPISODE: New Year's Special
AIR DATE: January 1, 2007
VILLAINS: Mrs. Wormwood
OTHER CHARACTERS: Maria Jackson, Luke Smith, Mr. Smith, Kelsey Harper, Davey, Alan Jackson, Chrissie Jackson, K-9

Young Maria Jackson and her recently divorced father, Alan, are moving into a house opposite Sarah Jane Smith on Bannerman Road. As her father sorts boxes, Maria watches a television commercial for the popular new soft drink called Bubble Shock! Maria's mother, Chrissie helps out and pesters her former husband for more money before leaving. That night Maria is awakened by a bright light which she follows to Sarah Jane's house and finds there a glowing alien. As it disappears into the night sky, a terrified Maria runs home and locks the front door. The next morning local girl Kelsey Harper arrives to welcome the new family and offers to take Maria into town. When Maria replies that she has no money, Kelsey tells her about the free Bubble Shock! Bus, which takes visitors to the Bubble Shock! factory for a guided tour. Mr Jackson attempts to introduce himself to Sarah Jane but she overhears the girl's plans and gives chase in her car.

On the bus, Maria questions Kelsey about the secret ingredient in Bubble Shock! known only as Bane. Kelsey roughly repeats the claims made by the television adverts that Bane is organic and that makes it good. Maria is still not convinced enough to drink any of it. Kelsey informs her she must be part of the official 2% statistic of the population that doesn't like the drink. After the bus reaches the factory, all the guests go through a security scanner and have to turn off their mobile phones. Unknown to them the scanner collects their DNA. A boy, the Archetype, lies in a medical chamber has a breathing mask over his mouth. A worker informs his supervisor Mrs Wormwood that the DNA of the children has been transmitted. Mrs Wormwood is delighted and believes "mother" will be equally pleased.

The guests are led by PR agent Davey who offers everyone numerous free samples of the drink whilst boredly providing a pre-written PR statement on the virtues of the drink. He notices that Maria has not taken any samples and insists she does. She responds that she doesn't care for it, saying she is in the 2% of the population who feel likewise. Davey cryptically replies that the factory is heavily working on a way to make sure 100% of the population will consume the drink.
Sarah Jane is sneaking around the factory, when she notices a door. Using her sonic lipstick to unlock it, she opens it, before being captured by some guards who take her to Mrs Wormwood's office, Sarah comments that Wormwood was described in the Bible as a star that would fall to Earth and taint the world's water supply. Wormwood recognises Sarah Jane's name from a number of e-mails and phone calls the company received, all of which went unanswered. Wormwood agrees to grant Sarah Jane an interview. Sarah Jane asks how they obtained a license to make food and drink in two weeks. Mrs Wormwood replies that they are only satisfying the Western world's need for food, stating how humans love to gorge themselves. Sarah Jane presses her to reveal the nature of the mysterious Bane ingredient as every test she has had run on the drink has been unable to reveal anything -- almost as if the drink had a form of intelligence and was hiding its contents. Mrs Wormwood insists that she drinks some Bubble Shock!, but Sarah Jane refuses and continues her attempts to find out the origins of the ingredient and suggests that Wormwood comes from space. Mrs Wormwood mocks such an idea as crazy talk and has her secretary Lesley escort Sarah Jane out of the factory. Once in the lift, Wormwood orders her secretary to kill Sarah Jane but she intercepts the attack and escapes further into the factory.

Kelsey attempts to phone her friend Suki and wanders into a restricted area. Her mobile phone disturbs an unknown beast and sets off an emergency alarm causing the factory to be evacuated. Davey finds her huddled in a corner, screaming for someone to get "that thing" away from her. Davey angrily responds that the creature is not "a thing", Kelsey is; the creature is his mother. Mrs Wormwood dispatches guards to locate and kill Sarah Jane, as well as demanding the alarms be switched off for the sake of the Bane Mother. Maria attempts to find Kelsey using her mobile phone but she sets off the alarm again and prompts the Archetype to escape. Mrs Wormwood and Davey lead teams in an attempt to find the source of the alarm.

Soon after Maria bumps into the Archetype. She tries to introduce herself, while the Archetype just repeats what she says back to her. They hide in a cubicle in the women's toilets and are soon joined by Sarah Jane, with both parties surprised to see one another. Just outside, Davey reports they have searched eveywhere and have found no sign of the intruders. Mrs Wormwood asks him if he has checked inside the women's toilets. Somewhat shocked, he replies that his training on human culture had stated it was strictly forbidden for males to enter. Frustrated at his stupidity, Wormwood storms into the toilets and slams open all the cubicles but finds no one there. Davey points out the window has been opened and Wormwood realies Sarah Jane and the children have escaped. Outside they flee to Sarah Jane's car. Maria protests that they left Kelsey behind.

Sarah Jane uses her sonic lipstick to get out of the factory. In Mrs Wormwood's office, Kelsey rants about the treatment she has received. Unable to make sense of her tirade, Wormwood decides to change into her natural form in order to scan the girl's mind. She deactivates her causing Kelsey to scream. Sometime later, Kelsey lies unconscious in the office. Davey notes Wormwood held back, to which she replies that children have parents who would cause them trouble by asking questions. She attempts to make sense of Kelsey's thoughts and finds most of them to be no use, focusing on boys and pop culture. She eventually discovers Kelsey knows of Sarah Jane and lives on the same street. She dispatches Davey to take Kelsey home with his true objective being to kill Sarah Jane and retrieve the Archetype.

Upon arriving back at Bannerman Road, Sarah Jane tells Maria to go home and not get involved. Maria replies that it is too late for that and reveals she saw the alien from the previous night which shocks Sarah Jane. However, Sarah puts her foot down and tells Maria her life is dangerous; she doesn't want anyone else getting hurt for the decisions she has made. A furious Maria runs home and her father attempts to comfort her. Sarah Jane questions the Archetype on his origins. She finds that despite his appearance he lacks a navel or any common sesneknowledge. Most surprisingly, Sarah Jane's alien watch reveals him to be only hours old. When she asks him who he is he only replies, "I am everyone". A male voice calls out to Sarah Jane. The Archetype asks what it is but Sarah Jane quickly responds that it is nothing and that he is not allowed to go upstairs.

Soon after, Davey's car pulls up on the street. Kelsey attempts to flirt with him but he just tells her to get out. Kelsey enters the Jacksons' house and a relieved Maria asks her what happened. Kelsey remembers nothing, instead believing Maria abandoned her for no reason and that she had to get a lift home from Davey. Realising this means he is on their street, an alarmed Maria runs to Sarah Jane's house to warn her. Sarah Jane initially mistakes her intent and shuts the door on her but quickly opens it when Kelsey screams -- Davey has revealed his true Bane form and is crawling along the side of the house. Sarah Jane quickly rushes both girls inside but Davey easily knocks the front door off its hinges and chases them up the stairs.

Sarah Jane tells the children to wait as she dashes into a room she declares off limits and returns with a mysterious spray with which she attacks Davey with a spray. Kelsey slips away into the mysterious room and loudly declares her amazement. Sarah Jane and the others follow, revealing a room filled with mementoes of past adventures and also a talking computer, Mr Smith. Sarah Jane explains that years ago she met a man unlike any other, who took her on adventures in time and space. This is when K-9 puts in a brief appearance, too, having a rare chance to say hello to Sarah.

Sarah uses Mr Smith to patch into the Bubble Shock factory communication systems and offers to Wormwood an ultimatuum should the Bane not leave Earth. Harried by mind-controlled Bubble Shock! drinkers, the group heads to the factory and the Archetype uses a transmitter device given to Sarah Jane by her alien friend to destroy the Bane. Back home, the gang try to think up a name for the Archetype and decide on Luke. Sarah has her computer print up adoption papers for Luke. That night, the quartet sit together in Sarah Jane's yard, looking up at the stars.

Barrowman and Capt. America???

With Marvel finally looking to bring Captain America to the big screen in his own feature and as part of The Avengers, stars with stripes like Leonardo DiCaprio and Matthew McConaughey are consistently attached to the comic book visage of Steve Rogers via rumor.

Now, a surprise name has entered the fray all the way from The Torchwood Institute in Cardiff. John Barrowman (Captain Jack Harkness from Russell T. Davies' Doctor Who and Torchwood) said at Comic-Con via published report that his representatives have been in discussions for the busy actor to play the USA's greatest defender.If it should come to pass, the casting should spur some interesting discussion on the fan boards.

Barrowman is a good actor who has exploded onto the sci-fi genre fan radar with his prominent role on the internationally popular Doctor Who and its spinoff series. He certainly has the square-jawed look and the ability to pull off both action sequences and the inner turmoil and alienation Cap must live with after he's thawed from the ice.

But, Barrowman is openly homosexual and has taken a very vocal, aggressive lead in promoting gay rights issues. He recently took part in an interesting series of tests to learn if his sexual preferences were the result of nature or nurture. But (and don't shoot the messenger here) while the politically correct thing to say is that his lifestyle choice should have no impact on what parts he can play, there will unavoidably be those who balk at the idea of Captain America being played by "a gay Canadian." (He qualifies for only one of the above as he has dual U.S. and U.K. citizenship, but that was this reporter's attempt at an "ugly (Captain) American" impression.)Watch this space to discover if General Ross' Super Soldier program is "Don't ask. Don't tell."

Proms ...A Smashing Hit!!!


A special Doctor Who-themed event at the Proms has been hailed a success by Russell T. Davies."We've had a brilliant time," the showrunner told BBC News. "If you were in the Royal Albert Hall, you would have had a unique Doctor Who experience."

A pre-recorded scene featuring David Tennant as The Doctor was shown to the 6,000-strong crowd, while Martha Jones actress Freema Agyeman provided links to pieces of music from the show.

An array of monsters also arrived on stage, with Julian Bleach reprising his acclaimed turn as Davros."It's fantastic because people queued in the heat and came a long way," added Davies. "I met someone who came here from Belgium."

More Torchowwod .........

Torchwood Series 3 News from the latest issue of Torchwood Magazine:


1. Russel T Davies
2. John Fay
3. James Moran4. John Fay
5. John Fay


-Producer: Peter Bennett
-Director: Euros Lyn (All 5 Episodes)


-Rumour: The story arc for season three revisits the Sleeper Agents from James Morans Sleeper episode, as their stealth invasion begins.


-John Barrowman - Captain Jack Harkness
-Eve Myles - Gwen Cooper
-Gareth David-Lloyd - Ianto Jones-Noel Clarke - Mickey Smith (UNCONFIRMED)
-Freema Agyeman will not be appearing in Series 3 of Torchwood because of a conflict with her series Law and Order London. So it is possible there will be delays while a replacement is found.
-James Marsters Who Played Captain John Hart In Series 2 has teased that he may be back filming for series 3


-Series 3 Began Pre-Production On June 15th
-Aimed Towards Post-Watershed Audience
-Julie Gardner Confirmed NO Sex Scenes

Nickelodeon Awards!!!!

BBC News reports that both Catherine Tate and Freema Agyeman have been nominated in the "Favourite Female TV Star" category at this year's British version of the Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice awards.

The awards, run by digital children's television channel Nickelodeon, see children vote for their favourite personalities and programmes. Tate and Agyeman are nominated alongside Miley Cyrus and Miranda Cosgrove.

In the "Favourite Male TV Star" category, David Tennant is nominated, facing competition from Dylan Sprouse, Josh Peck and Robin Hood star Jonas Armstrong. Doctor Who itself is nominated as "Favourite Family TV Show", up against three ITV shows - The X-Factor, Britain's Got Talent and Harry Hill's TV Burp.

The Daleks are nominated as "Favourite Baddie", alongside Simon Cowell, Plankton and Randy Orton.The BBC News report claims that these four nominations are a record for one programme. Votes can be cast on the Nickelodeon website.

The awards ceremony will be held in London on the 13th of September.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Brigadier in shock Torchwood encounter!!

*Shock horror* In an unprecedented move, the Brig from UNIT tells Capt Jack and Capt John what he really thinks of them.....*g*


Brig: "Hmmm, so you're this Capt that I've been hearing so much about. A bit shorter then I was expecting."

Jack: "Ya think I'm short! Have you taken a good look at Adam Ant over here?"


Brig: "We'll have none of that talk, You may be able to get away with that sort of behavior in Cardiff, but you're on my turf now."

John: "Right, who votes for killing him?"


Brig: "They'll be no killing on my watch young man!"

Jack: *snort* "Young??!"

John: "Watch it!!"


Brig: So these are my rivals "A dandy and a clown".

John: "Thats it, Can we kill him now?!....."

Jenny to be Companion???

The Sun:

DOCTOR Who bosses could make David Tennant’s real-life lover Georgia Moffett his next telly companion.

Georgia, 23, whose dad is former Timelord Peter Davison, was in the last series as the Doctor’s daughter.

A source said: “She was great and may get a bigger role.”

Music of Spheres/BBC 2008 Proms

Here is the 2008 BBC Proms Special: Music of the Spheres; starring David Tennant and Jimmy Vee...enjoy:

Here are the links to listen to the BBC 2008 Proms. When it comes out to watch on BBC, be assured I will have it up on here! These links are good until Sunday August 3rd 2008. That is when they stop airing on BBC iplayer.

BBC Proms 13 PT 1:

BBC Proms 13 PT 2:

Pics from the Music of the Spheres......

Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket

Music of the Spheres 2008 BBC Proms....



EPISODE: Special
AIR DATE: July 27, 2008
LOCATION: Tardis, 2008 Proms

The action takes place in the TARDIS and sees the return of the Graske (Jimmy Vee) who poses trouble for the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) and The Proms.

The Doctor is composing and writing music on the TARDIS floor. The "Graske" comes to warn the Doctor about a space portal that appears in the TARDIS and comes out in the Royal Albert Hall.

The Doctor passes his music he composed through the portal and gets the orchestra to play it, the Graske goes through the portal but the Doctor pulls him back. The portal closes and the episode ends.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Favorite Quotes....................



Tenth Doctor: Look at you! The hat, the coat, the crickety-cricket stuff, the.... stick of celery, yeah.... brave choice, celery, but fair play to you, not a lot of men can carry off a decorative vegetable.
Fifth Doctor: Shut up! There is something very wrong with my TARDIS, and I've got to do something about it very, very quickly. And it would help, it really would help if there wasn't some skinny idiot ranting in my face about every single thing that happens to be in front of him!
Tenth Doctor: Ooh, the back of my head!
Fifth Doctor: What?
Tenth Doctor: Sorry, sorry, it's not something you see every day, is it. The back of your own head. Mind you... I can see why you wear a hat. I don't want to seem vain, but could you keep that on?
Fifth Doctor: What have you done to MY TARDIS? You've changed the desktop theme, haven't you? What's this one? Coral? It's worse than the leopard skin!
Fifth Doctor: It's like like two time zones at war in the heart of the TARDIS! That's a paradox. Could blow a hole in the space-time continuum the size of-
Fifth Doctor: well, actually, the exact size of Belgium. That's a bit undramatic, isn't it? Belgium?
Tenth Doctor: D'ya need this?
Fifth Doctor: Nah, I'm fine.
Tenth Doctor: Oh, no, of course. You mostly went hands-free didn't you? Like, "Hey, I'm the Doctor. I can save the universe using a kettle and some string! And look at me, I'm wearing a vegetable!"
Fifth Doctor: Who are you?
Tenth Doctor: Take a look.
Fifth Doctor: Oh. Oh, no.
Tenth Doctor: Oh, yes.
Fifth Doctor: You're... Oh, no.
Tenth Doctor: Here it comes, yeah, yeah I am..
Fifth Doctor: A fan!
Tenth Doctor: Yeah... What?
Fifth Doctor: Oh no! This is bad! Two minutes to Belgium!
Tenth Doctor: Right! TARDISes are separating. Sorry, Doctor, time's up! Back to long ago! Where are you now? Nyssa and Tegan? Cybermen and Mara, and Time Lords in funny hats and the Master? Oh, he just showed up again, same as ever.
Fifth Doctor: Oh no, really? Does he still have that rubbish beard?
Tenth Doctor: No, no beard this time. Well, a wife.
Tenth Doctor: You know, I loved being you. Back when I first started, at the very beginning, I was always trying to be old and grumpy and important, like you do when you're young. And then I was you, and it was all dashing about and playing cricket and my voice going all squeaky when I shout. I still do that, the voice thing, I got that from you! Oh, and the trainers, and snap. 'Cos you know what, Doctor? You were my Doctor.
Fifth Doctor: To days to come.
Tenth Doctor: All my love to long ago.

Favorite Quotes...........



Doctor: What? .... What? .... What!?
[The Doctor presses some buttons on the console, causing the TARDIS to disentangle itself from the Titanic. TARDIS re-materialises inside the Titanic. The Doctor gets out, and notes several very strange elements of his surrounding. Goes to a porthole, sees something the audience cannot see]
Doctor: Right...
Brand slogan: Max Capricorn cruise liners. The fastest. The furthest. The best. And I should know, because my name is Max!
Mr Copper: I shall be taking you to Old London town in the country of UK, ruled over by Good King Wenceslas. Now human beings worship the great god Santa, a creature with fearsome claws and his wife Mary. And every Christmas Eve, the people of UK go to war with the country of Turkey. They then eat the Turkey people for Christmas dinner, like savages.

Rickston Slade: Hang on a minute. Who put you in charge? And who in the hell are you anyway?
The Doctor: I'm the Doctor. I'm a Time Lord. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. I'm 903 years old, and I'm the man who's gonna save your lives and all six billion people on the planet below. You got a problem with that?
Slade: No.

The Doctor: In that case: Allons-y!
Mr Copper: It's a festival of violence! They say that human beings only survive depending on whether they've been good or bad! It's barbaric!
The Doctor: Actually, that's not true. Christmas is a time of- of peace, and thanksgiving, and.... What am I on about? My Christmases are always like this!
The Doctor: Long story. I should know, I was there. I got the last room.
The Doctor: Oh, that's clever. That's an omni-state impact chamber. Indestructible! You could survive anything in there! You could sit through a supernova.... or a shipwreck. Only one person can have the power and the money to hide themselves onboard like this, and I should know, because-
Max: My name is Max!
The Doctor: It really does that?

The Doctor: What's your first name?
Midshipman: Alonso.
The Doctor: You are kidding me!
Midshipman: Uh.... why?
The Doctor: There's something else I've always wanted to say: Allons-y Alonso!

The Doctor: Astrid Peth, citizen of Sto. The woman who looked at the stars and dreamed of travelling. Now you can travel forever. You're not falling, Astrid... You're flying!

Mr Copper: So Great Britain is part of, uh, Europé, and just across the British channel you've got Great France and Great Germany?
The Doctor: No no, it's just, it's just France and Germany. Only Britain is great.
Mr Copper: And they are all at war with the continent of Ham-erica.
The Doctor: No. Well, not yet. Erm. You could argue that one.
Mr Copper: Well, what am I supposed to do?
The Doctor: Give me that credit card.
Mr Copper: It's just petty cash, spending money. It's all done by computer. I didn't really know the currency, so I thought a million might cover.
The Doctor: A million? Pounds?
Mr Copper: Is that enough for trinkets?
The Doctor: Mr Copper, a million pounds is worth fifty million credits.
Mr Copper: .... How much?
The Doctor: Fifty million and fifty six.
Mr Copper: I've.... got money-
The Doctor: Yes, you have.
Mr Copper: Oh, my word.... oh my goodness me, I....
The Doctor: It's all yours - planet Earth! Now, that's a retirement plan. But just you be careful, though!
Mr Copper: Oh I will, I will!
The Doctor: No interfering. I don't want any trouble! Just.... Just have a nice life.
The Doctor: Mr Copper! Where're you going?
Mr Copper: I have no idea!
The Doctor: No.... me neither.
Mr Copper: Oh, and Doctor? I won't forget her.
The Doctor: Merry Christmas, Mr Copper.