Evolution Of The Daleks
AIR DATE: April 28, 2007
VILLIANS: Cult of Skaro: Dalek Caan, Dalek Jast, Dalek Thay, Dalek Sec, Pig Slaves
ALIENS/MONSTERS: Daleks, Pig Slaves
OTHER CHARACTERS: Tallulah, Solomon, Laszlo, Frank
LOCATION: New York, 1930
The Hybrid Dalek Sec finally comes face to face with the Doctor, who has revealed himself from the crowd. The other Daleks wish to exterminate him, but Sec orders them to stop. They attempt to capture him but the Doctor holds out a surprise: a radio. Using his sonic screwdriver, he causes the radio to emit a high pitched sound which disorients the Daleks and the pig-humans. The Doctor and the captured humans run back through the sewers, catching up with Tallulah on the way. As soon as they ascend the ladder and disappear out of sight, two Daleks (Thay and Caan) come into view, discussing their doubting Dalek Sec's orders ever since he became a human.
The 'gang' arrives back at Hooverville, and the Doctor's stories are told to the crowd. Soon enough, a watchman sees one of the pigs and begins to call everyone to arm themselves. A fight breaks out between humans and pigs, but suddenly Daleks Jast and Caan arrive in the air and prepare to exterminate the assembled humans, as Dalek Sec watches from the Empire State Building via visual link. The leader, Solomon, tries to reason with the Daleks, saying that they are both outcasts and should work together to create a better universe. The Daleks promptly exterminate him. Sec watches and gasps in horror as Solomon - a man whose courage he admired greatly - falls to the ground. Furious, the Doctor steps out and demands they kill him too, provided they spare the other residents of Hooverville. The Daleks prepare to do so, but are stopped by Dalek Sec, who requests that the Doctor returns to the Daleks' genetics laboratory. The Doctor agrees, noting that the Daleks have changed their minds for the first time in history, but only on the condition that the Daleks do not kill the residents of Hooverville. Martha asks the Doctor if she can go with him, but the Doctor refuses, saying that she should help the injured. At the same time, he slips her the psychic paper.
At the lab, Dalek Sec explains to the Doctor how he wanted to create a new race which combined Dalek DNA with that of humans by 'formatting' the human brain, ready for information to be loaded onto it, thus creating new hybrids. The Daleks planned to use a gamma strike from a solar flare (which will occur in eleven minutes) which will hit the Empire State Building as an energy source, but there were problems which only the Doctor's knowledge could fix. The Doctor has no choice but to help the Daleks. He prepares the gene solution, ready to be fed into the human 'shells'. In the meantime, Sec explains that the new race will have the intelligence of a Dalek, but the emotions of a human. He also states that the Daleks' obsession with universal supremacy must be removed. The Doctor is shocked that Sec is willing to eliminate the one thing that makes a Dalek a Dalek. However, seven minutes before the flare, as the Dalek DNA is pumped into the humans, a malfunction occurs. The other Daleks are overriding the system. Dalek Caan leads a mutiny, taking Sec and the Doctor hostage. They propose that Sec is no longer Dalek, and so they don't have to obey him. The two Daleks load pure Dalek gene solution into the humans. However, the Doctor and Laszlo escape to the elevator and ascend to the top of the Empire State Building.
At the same time, Martha and Tallulah use the psychic paper to gain entry into the Empire State Building. Upon reaching the top floor, they scan the blueprints of the top floor, looking for any design and construction changes. They discover that the design change is at the top of the building where Dalekanium has been added. The Doctor and Laszlo escape up the lift and meet up with Martha, Frank, and Tallulah. The Doctor climbs up to the top and starts using the sonic screwdriver to loosen the bolts holding the Dalekanium. However, after removing one strip of Dalekanium and a bolt holding another, he drops the sonic screwdriver; all he can do is hug the pole as the lightning strikes. Martha has made a makeshift lightning rod from some spare pipes to divert the lightning onto the elevator, just as the pig slaves arrive, killing them. The Dalek humans awaken, and Dalek Caan designates himself the new leader, Sec states that he was to be the controller, but Dalek Caan deems him unfit and orders them to take up arms (Thompson submachine gun retrofitted with standard Dalek laser weapons). The army goes into the sewers, and the Doctor, Martha, Tallulah, Frank and Laszlo head for Tallulah's theatre.
At the theatre, the Doctor uses the sonic screwdriver to let the Daleks know where he is, and the army breaks in. Daleks Thay and Jast come in, with Sec bound in a chain and crawling like a dog. The Doctor tries to tell the Daleks that what they have done to Sec is wrong, because he is the most intelligent Dalek who ever existed. They attempt to exterminate the Doctor, but Sec, trying to reason with the others, gets up, and is hit by a blast from Thay meant for the Doctor, which kills him. This angers the Doctor; he again tells the Daleks to order the Dalek-humans to kill him, but one Dalek human repeatedly asks "Why?", and eventually states that they are not Daleks. The Doctor reveals that, because he hugged the pole as the lightning came through, some Time Lord DNA was mixed into the hybrids and gave the Dalek humans freedom. Jast promptly kills the Dalek human who openly questioned orders. However, the other Dalek humans return fire. Thay and Jast kill several more Dalek humans, but are eventually overwhelmed and destroyed under the sheer volume of fire power. Back in the building, watching via the visual link, Caan states that the Dalek humans are a failure and commands "Destruct." All the Dalek humans suddenly clutch their heads in pain and collapse dead on the ground.
After witnessing this genocide, the Doctor arrives at the Empire State Building, and confronts Caan and offers to help. He tells Caan that he is probably the only person in the universe that would show him any compassion, because he has seen enough death today - they are now both the last of their species and he does not want to see another genocide. Caan replies with "Emergency temporal shift" and, as the Doctor lunges forward to stop him, vanishes.
Meanwhile, Laszlo is on his deathbed (the pig-slaves could only survive for a few weeks), so the Doctor starts to work on a solution to save him, stating that "there's been enough death today. Brand new creatures, wise old men, and age old enemies!". Later, Laszlo (still a pig slave, but alive and healthy) and Tallulah are in the park. Frank comes and tells Laszlo that he talked to the residents of Hooverville, and that they will take him in and give him a home; as always, Hooverville is the place people go when they have nowhere else. As the Doctor and Martha are about to enter the TARDIS, Martha says there's somebody for everyone. The Doctor says "maybe." Martha then asks the Doctor if he thinks he will ever see Dalek Caan again, and the Doctor responds "Oh, yes. One day..."
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