Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My Top 5 ........

Ok So we saw Digital Spy pick on the top 5 episodes of series 4 Doctor Who.This is actually a pretty ruff thing to do because this has been a brilliant year for Doctor Who. I loved every episode, there is not one that I didn't like in some shape or form. They all had great qualities in each of them. RTD really out did himself this year!!! BRAVO!!!! So after really having to choose these are the ones that I came up

5. "Partners in Crime"
In the first episode of the series You have Donna Trying to find the Doctor. When they do it is hilarious!!! The entire miming scene is what helps put it up in my top 5. Also the Adipose as well. All the monsters and aliens that have been scary and such. This time we get a cute bit of blubber that make you like them despite the massive damage they can

4. "The Doctor's Daughter"
In this episode the Doctor was forcefully made to give a sample of his DNA which produced well, his daughter Jenny. Even though it takes the Doctor awhile to accept her, he begins to care for her as a father. Even though the Doctor thinks Jenny has died and knows nothing of her regeneration. There is another Timelord out there and I feel he will find her again. Even though now he has been said that he is dating Georgia Moffet in real

3. "Midnight"
In this Psychological thriller of an episode, the Doctor finds himself instead of on a relaxing cruise, in the middle of a witch hunt. When a mysterious unseen parasite attacks a passenger, the Doctor tries to help but int he process winds up in a scary position and helpless when the other passengers try to kill him. This was the most frightful DW episode I can remember and it was because of the fact that the Doctor was so helpless.

2. "Turn Left"
Even though this was a Doctor Lite episode, it was fantastic! Just to see what the world would be like in the Whoniverse without the Doctor. Rose and Donna were great and I also think it really showed the type of person Donna actually was. A strong person even without the Doctor.

1. "Journey's End"
In this season finale there has been so many different thoughts on it. I on the other hand LOVED IT!!!! I think it was so far the absolute best season finale of DW yet!!!I loved that Davros was back to reek havoc across the universe, all the companions returned and were all together at once, that it was shown to the Doctor his soul. OMG there is really not much that I didn't like in this episode. Granted I think it could have been more extended then just 65 mins. I think it was in a way a but congested with way to many things happening at once but was still a great episode. I think it was great the fact that the Doctor knowing he could not spend the rest of his life with Rose, but gave her literally a piece of him that can do so. It was sad, but in another way great as well. The goodbye between the Doctor and Donna was especially sad with how that happened. He lost his best mate the same time he had to loose the woman he loves. Although on a happier note, I absolutely loved the entire sketch with the new Doctor and Donna!! That was Brilliant!!