Sunday, June 1, 2008

My Favorite Quotes.....

The Silence in the Library


Doctor: Spoilers!
Donna: What?
Doctor: These books are from your future. If you read ahead, it will spoil all the surprises. No pepping at the end.
Donna: Isn't traveling with you one big spoiler?
Doctor: I'm trying to keep you away from major plot developments.
Doctor: Donna?
Donna: Yeah?
Doctor: Stay out of the shadows!
Donna: Are we safe here?
Doctor: Of course we're safe here. There's a little shop!
River Song: Hello, Sweetie.
Doctor: Get out!
Doctor: Oh you're not, are you? Please tell me you're not archaeologists.
River Song: Got a problem with Archaeologists?
Doctor: I'm a Time Traveler, I point and laugh at archaeologists.
Doctor: If you understand me, look very, very scared!
Doctor: No, a bit more then that.
Doctor: Okay, do for now.
River Song: Pretty boy, with me I said!
Doctor: Oh, I'm pretty boy?
Donna: Yeah!....Ooh, that came out a bit fast.
Doctor: Pretty?
Donna: Yeah.
River Song: Doctor, please tell me you know who I am!
Doctor: Who are you?
Doctor : What's in the book?
River Song: Spoilers.
Doctor: Who are you?
River Song: Professor River Song, University...
Doctor: To me!
River Song: Again, spoilers.
(asking River Song why she recognizes the Doctor but not her)
Donna: Where am I in the future?
Doctor: Daleks....head for the eye stalk, Sontarans......back in the neck, Vashta, just run.
Donna: I'm not leaving!
Doctor: Donna, let me explain! (teleports her to the TARDIS) That's how you do it!
Doctor: Your screwdriver, it's alot like mine.
River Song: You gave it to me.
Doctor: I'm not giving my sonic screwdriver to anyone.
River Song: I'm not anyone.
Node with Donna's face: Donna Noble has left the library. Donna Noble has been saved.
Child: Donna Noble has been saved
Other Dave: Hey, who turned out the lights?